Monday, 16 March 2015

... Bakpao ...

Morning!! ♥

Waktu saya menulis ini, saya dalam kondisi stuck in my husband campus hehehehe
First, I'm planning to silaturrahim with my best friend in her house.

But Because of the transportation problem (which is my main problems here in JB, because of my driving trauma syndrome ), so I've got to go early in morning together with my son and husband.

Which is about 8.30 , I'm standby already in my husband campus. I'm planning to wait for my other best friend picking me up at my hubby office for about 1-2 hours.
Once again, human is planning right? And qadar said else... ♥
Suddenly... My husband elevator office is not working, surprisely, both elevator is not working...
Oh No....!!! LoL... With my 7 months pregnancy, is almost impossible for me to go to my fifth floor husband office by stairs ... Hehehe...
Oh no...!!! Wkwkwkwkwkw...
And now I'm here , surrounded with stranger , which are they looks curious , who is this pregnant women walking around campus uncertainty... Wkwkwkw...
Counting Minute by minutes now, seems so long hahahaha....

But, one that I felt.. How fresh campus life is...
I'm happy for my hubby, he can be a lecturer, just what his dreaming of , i wanted to be lecturer as well actually, and.... Haii... I'm a lecturer actually, 

for my son hehehe....

So now, I'm watching people, walking around .... Seems so busy, and i wanted to keep busy my self  too, by writing a blog.... Hihihi
But for sure, its really inconvenience here hihihi

As time goes by...
Now is 9.20am still
And my best friend picking me up is about 9.30 to up ...

Well that's my story.. How about you?

But... Growl growl growl
I'm starve hehehehe
I'm not having my breakfast yet, because I'm planning to have it in my husband office which is at fifth floor, and now the elevator is not working... I remind you dear... Hihihi
Oh noo...

How I miss my campus, they have Bang EDY CANTEEN ...
There are doughnuts, tahu berontak, misoa goreng,  Mbak Milla sandwich and Teh Botol...
My husband office is located in new area , out of main campus, so there is no canteen around here still hihihi...

My campus is near to hospital...
In my country, hospital kaki Lima food is identical with bakpao and shuumay...
Oh no... Is so delicious
The bakpau is so soft and warm, in my language is menul2....
The filling of it is chicken, beef meat and Kacang hijau...

I'm imagining eating soft bakpao now, with the wind blows in the morning....

Now the bus is coming...
Well I tell you, now I'm waiting in the halte bus inside the campus
And my baby inside me is crawling2 hearing the noisy bus sound hehehe what a feeling right hehehe

Back to bakpau story

Back than when I was in Tokyo, I have founded the moist bakpao recipe that given by one of my friend in Tokyo, I was never ever failed crafting bakpao in Tokyo...
And I'm stop hunting bakpao recipe....

But, when I'm crafting bakpao with that recipe here in JB, it's always failed .... Huwaaaaaa
I don't know what the reason is actually... I'm curious also...
But top of that, it means... I have to started hunting bakpao recipe again and again.... That is not easy at all huwaaaaaa
It takes time...

And night by night, my hunting is begin, and ended up with this recipe, from Pawonniman WordPress - Nasyaazakhir's blog (
I had good feeling for this recipe...
And it's succeded... Alhamdulillah, it's ended up my adventures of bakpau...

The bakpau is so soft and moisted still, even it's cold already. Eventhough the outer skin rather hard, but inside is soft... I'm on the way working on it, so I Will update later...

The main source is from ARKME group by Bundanya Fajar

Resep by Bunda Fajar di group ARKME:
250 gr tepung Terigu (plain flour)
1 sdm/tbs tepung kanji (tapioca flour)
2 sdm/tbs gula pasir (granulated sugar )
1 sdm/tbs mentega - saya soft margarine
1 sdt/tsp baking powder
1/2 sdt/tsp yeast (added to 10ml water) - saya langsung campur dgn bahan kering/mixed well into dry ingredients, I added the instant yeast without water.
2 sdm/tbs white condensed milk , add to cold water so become 130 - me, mixed into cold low fat milk 130 ml all.
*I added 1 white egg into dough, plus two times sparked flour.
* I added 1/4 tsp of salt.
For the filling, i filled with chocolate chip semi sweet Hershey and chicken pedas from just try and taste.

1. Campur semua bahan. Uleni dan banting-banting hingga adonan kalis dan lumer -saya uleni dengan mixer Kenwood and hook roti hingga setengah kalis ,kemudian ditambah margarine dan garam, ulenin dengan mixer hingga kalis dan lentur.
* mixed all ingredients well by mixer, except margarine and salt
*Than added margarine and salted when the dough is "kalis and lentur".
2. Bagi adonan menjadi 12 bagian (saya menjadi 16) :D
*Divided into 12 part , me into 16 part
3. Bulatkan, kemudian isi tengahnya dengan coklat/ayam pedas, sesuai seler. Taruh diatas kertas roti.
*Make it rounded, filled in with desire filling, put it on baking paper.
4. Diamkan selama 1 jam dengan ditutupi lap basah agar adonan tidak kering.
*let it stand for one hours , cover with wet napkin, to prevent dough becomes dry.
5. Panaskan kukusan, kukus selama 15 menit.
* heat the steamer until very hot, than lower the heat, put the bakpao's in , cover with the lid which is not fully covered, biarkan tutupnya sedikit miring agar ada uap yg keluar .

And for adults, i filled chicken pedas as the filling of bakpao.. 

best of all from just try and taste... thank you soo muchhh
I'm sorry but, it's still in Indonesian, next time I will translate it...

This one, I copy pasted from the original source....

- 250 gram dada ayam atau daging ayam, potong kecil, tipis panjang
- 1 butir bawang bombay, belah dua, iris tipis
- 1 sendok teh minyak wijen
- 1 sendok teh saus tiram
- 1 sendok makan kecap manis
- 1 sendok makan kecap asin
- 5 sendok makan saus sambal botolan
- 4 sendok makan saus tomat botolan
- 1 sendok makan cabai rawit dihaluskan (jika kurang pedas) - tak pakai
- 1/2 sendok teh merica bubuk - tak pakai
- 1/2 sendok makan gula pasir
- 1 sendok makan minyak untuk menumis

Cara membuat:
Siapkan wajan, panaskan minyak. Masukkan potongan daging ayam, minyak wijen, saus tiram, kecap manis, kecap asin, aduk rata. Masak hingga daging ayam berwarna pucat dan empuk. Masukkan bawang bombay, merica, kaldu bubuk, aduk rata. Masak hingga bawang layu. Tambahkan saus tomat dan saus sambal, aduk rata dan masak hingga semua bahan matang dan ayam agak sedikit mengering. Cicipi rasanya, jika kurang asin tambahkan sedikit garam. Angkat dan dinginkan.

So enjoy.... Hehehe