Sunday, 3 December 2017

Martabak bolu mini

Ini resep andalan saya untuk  lunchbox dan breakfast keluarga kecil saya ...
Alhamdulillah, suami saya selalu  menyukai dan mendukung masakan  saya. Martabak mini  ini pernah suami request untuk sarapan atau snack sore hari.

Latar belakang saya di dunia permasakan ini sebetulnya cukup menyedihkan. Kebanyakan masakan saya tidak mendapatkan pujian dari keluarga besar saya . Walaupun menurut suami saya, masakan saya ini layak untuk dijual, begitu pun dengan pendapat dari beberapa teman saya semasa merantau . Tapi entah kenapa, sekembalinya saya ke Indonesia, yang di awal saya merasa yakin akan mendapat dukungan full dari keluarga, ternyata sebaliknya. Alhamdulillah suami selalu mendukung hobby saya, sehingga saya berusaha bangkit kembali.

Dukungan tulus dari..... mahal sekali... Sedih rasanya, bahkan seringnya mengicip pun tidak... Namun untuk martabak mini ini, ibu saya semangat untuk  memfotonya... Alhamdulillah, finally ... Karena cukup langka bagi ibu saya untuk memuji masakan saya dibanding masakan Kakak  saya...

Meski demikian, ini resep martabak mini favourite saya, enak dan mudah . Saya sudah mencoba berbagaiiiii resep martabak mini, menurut saya, resep ini paling enak rasanya...

Resep ini punyanya  mbak Rina Rinso, saya copy paste dari blognya beliau. Namun  disebutkan didalam blognya, bahwa resep awal  berasal dari blognya Mbak Irene, dimana saya tidak mengetahui alamat  blognya. Berikut saya copy paste dari  Mbak  Rina  Rinso

Martabak Bolu Mini

Bahan :

250 gr terigu serbaguna (segitiga biru)
50 gr gula pasir
1/4 sdt baking powder
1/4 sdt garam
300 cc susu cair
3 butir telur
30 gr gula
1/2 sdt fermipan/ragi instan
1/4 sdt baking powder
50 gr mentega dicairkan

Taburan di atas :
gula pasir
susu kental manis
keju parut
cokelat meises

Cara membuat :

1. Campur jadi satu terigu, gula, baking powder, dan garam.
2. Masukkan susu sedikit demi sedikit sambil di aduk dengan whisker.
3. Setelah tercampur rata masukkan fermipan dan istirahatkan  selama 30 menit.
4. Di tempat lain kocok telur dan gula (kocok lepas aja pakai garpu) kemudian masukkan ke dalam adonan yg sudah di istirahatkan selama 30 menit.
5. Terakhir masukkan mentega cair dan baking powder.
6. Panaskan cetakan, ambil 1 sendok sayur cetakan, biarkan sampai adonan mengembang dan berlubang, taburi dengan gula kemudian tutup hingga matang.
7. Angkat martabak dari cetakan dan beri olesan butter, kemudian beri susu kental manis dan keju atau meises atau topping sesuai selera sebagai taburan.

Friday, 3 November 2017


Whether I'm in JB, Tokyo, Melaka  or Indonesia, we prefered lunchbox better than school/office canteen food or street food. So, it's big jobs for me. And most of all I enjoyed every minutes of it.

Last time, our favorite lunchboxs son are all about  sushi and onigiri .

But nevertheless, sometimes I'll prepared italian or Indonesian food as well


Arem -arem..

I cooked arem-arem for the first time when I was in Tokyo at winter. Even though it was so cold, we were very exciting for having picnic in front of Hagiyama station. The three of us , together....

Second time, when I was in JB, wherever we went for picnic , arem2 is one of our favourite menu, especially when we went to Leg**and theme park. And it become our little one favourite lunch , we enjoyed every bite of it. The four of us, together...

Third time, now in Indonesia where it's belong. It's my family favourite breakfast and my family favourite picnic menu as well. It's our comfort food especially in the cold morning day.

Banana leaf is not easy to find whether at Tokyo or JB. So , sometimes I wrapped it up with aluminium foil. Nevertheless, banana leaf is the best wrapper for arem-arem. So I go  crazy here crafting the arem-arem, because it's easier to find banana leaf 😍

So many kind type of arem-arem here in Indonesia ,  but our favorite is vegetables mixed meat.

Well, I love to cooked, baked and eat. Whenever I do it, I feel  happy relieved and strong...
Especially when my lovely family enjoyed my food.
I just enjoyed it...
Not because I'm the best wife , or best mom or best woman... because I'm not...
I just enjoyed it....
And I'm dedicated it to our family for sure....

I share my food photograph just for my documentary, not for show off, I hope 😅...
hehe I don't know, maybe it's a llittle, at least it's for me  to admired my masterpiece 🤣

It's suddenly cropped up off my mind, that I feel  uneasy, when one day , one of my friends asked me , "So now, what are you doing here? I think you just being sweet nice housewife ,  do nothing and just wait at home nicely and happily...  "
Oh no... I just speechless 🤔
You know, I don't need to explain anything, because as mom we know for sure how big our responsibility , right ? And I know there is no mommy in this world who just sitting around and do nothing...
Go fighting mom's, do your own businesses and do your best.

I want to share my happiness through my favourite recipe


Rice (ncc)

uncooked rice 600gr
Coconut milk 1200ml
Salt 1 tsp
Sugar 1tsp
Serai 1, smashed
Bay leaf 1
Butter / margarine 1tbp

How to make :
1. Boiled coconut milk and spices
2. Put the rice into boiled coconut milk, wait until the rice absorbed all of the coconut milk.
3. Put the butter into rice, close it with the lid, so there won't be dry rice.

Vegetable Oil  2 tbs
Minced meat chicken/beef  250 gr
Cube minced carrot  100 gr
Green bean / Buncis   50 gr, slice nicely
Salam leaves  2 pieces
Gelangal/laos  2 cm
Indonesian brown sugar / gula jawa  2 tbs
Coconut milk 300vml
Red chilli 2 pieces
Salt   1/4 tsp

Grinded nicely:
Shallot 3
Garlic 2
Red chilli  3

How to make
1. Heat the oil, pan fried grinded spices until smell nicely , put on bay leaf and galangal until cooked nicely  .
2. Added brown sugar and meat, cooked until meat change it colour.
3. Add coconut oil into the pan until it done.
4. Put 2 tbs of rice on the top of banana leaf. Then , put 2 tsp of filling on the top of it. Rolled it, and pinned it nicely with sharpened end tusuk gigi or lidi.
5. Steamed until cooked with the boiled water.

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Cap Cay

Hai, I'm here again

I Wanna posting simple food tonight...
Yeah, its capcay, it's become hits lately especiAlly for my kiddos

I wanna keep it, because of course originally this one is my mother recipe

Ingredients :
5 clove garlics (grind well)
Sesame oil
Oyster sauce
Fish ketchup

2 Eggs
Spring onion
Chicken stock

How to make :
1. Make scrambled egg, let a side
2.Sauteed garlic nicely (yellow in colour) with sesame oil.
3. Pour the oyster sauce and fish ketchup right on top of the wok, keep  cook until caramelized.
4. Put in all the raw meat, until it had different colours, and next put the sausages in to the wok together with the meatballs. Wait for a while .
5. Put all the vegetables and eggs into  the wok.
6. Stir it well
7. Put all the stock's into the wok together with the salt, little sugar for taste and the pepper. Wait until boiled , and than put in the spring onion.
8. Set the heat into the medium and than, wait just a second  until the capcay  is well done.

I hope  you enjoy it.
If you prefer to have beautiful colour for vegetable, you  can steamed all  the vegetables first, before cooking the capcay

The photograph will coming soon...