minggu ini dan minggu depan dikunjungi Bapak dan Ibu,
senang sekaliiiii tiada tara :)
Agenda utama adalah memasak bersama..
sebetulnya resep originalnya adalah Ayam Panggang NgoHiong
Namun karena tidak ada NgoHiong di Johor, maka kami ganti dengan Pekak/Star Anise (its from my mom idea)
Bahagiaaa sekali akhirnya bisa menikmati ayam panggang nan sedap ini
Sewaktu kecil, kalau sedang tidak enak badan or ulang tahun, pasti minta dibuatin Ayam Panggang ini
Resep Orisinil dari Mommy tercinta dan tersayang (Ibu Fien)
Finally, my beloved parents come visited us for weeks
we're so happy, gratefull and joyfull
One of our favorite activity at home is Cooking and Baking with love (it's so awesome)
Our menu for today is Star Anise Chicken Roasted
Actually, the original spice of this roasted chicken is NgoHiong, but i can not find NghoHiong yet, so we're substituted NgoHiong with Star Anise,
and guess what,
its so perfect... and yummy..
Finally i can cook this yummy roasted chicken at my lovely home
This is one of my favourite menu when i was kid, whether i'm sick or celebrating my birthday, i always wanted this roasted chicken to be served...
The original recipe is from my lovely Mom (Ibu Fien)
1 ekor Ayam/ 1 whole chicken
3-4 sdt Kecap asin Jepang/3-4 teaspoon Shoyu
2 sdt minyak wijen/ 2 teaspoon sesame oil
Bumbu halus/ spice paste:
8 siung bawang putih/ 8 garlic cloves
3 biji Pekak/ 3 star anise
garam dan merica secukupnya/ pinch of salt and pepper
Bahan olesan:
Margarin dan kecap manis dicampur rata / margarin and sweet soya sauce mixed well
Cara Membuat:
- Haluskan bumbu halus, campur rata dengan shoyu dan minyak wijen. Grind well the spices, add shoyu and sesame oil, mix well
- Balurkan rata bumbu no.1 pada ayam utuh atau ayam yang sudah dipotong-potong kecil. Spices well the chicken with recipe no.1
- Diamkan beberapa menit/ atau semalaman. Marinate the chicken for few minutes or for over night
- Panggang ayam pada oven dengan temperatur 180 dC menggunakan api bawah hingga setengah matang, kemudian ayam diballik dan dioles dengan bahan oles, panggang kembali hingga matang menggunakan api atas bawah, proses tersebut dapat diulang kembali hingga matang, disesuaikan dengan selera. Roasted Chicken to 180dc, underheat until halvecooked, turn the chicken and give the margarine and sweet soya sauce, with upper underheat, repeated the process until cooked
- Minyak ayam yang dihasilkan ayam pada proses pemanggangan dapat dipisahkan dan dijadikan saos ayam. Served the chicken oil as the sauce of roasted chicken by separated the sauce from the chicken pan
- Sajikan/ Served
"Classic Marmer Cake Mommy Fien"
don't miss it ...
Sounds really easy and fuss-free to bake these chicken. Bookmarked this! ... for any last minute visitors :D
ReplyDeleteThank you Zoe for your comment, These roasted chicken is so simple :-D
DeleteI hope you enjoy it as I did :-)