Thursday 22 January 2015


Makanan kesukaan sebagian besar kaum hawa ada lah bakso ♥
Terutama di Indonesia....
Bakso ini khas dan very famous because of it's special tastes

Honestly, im still searching the best recipe formula for best bakso...
At least, this time I want to write some keynote for success bakso from blogging and my own experienced:
1. Best to use the fried shallots and garlics, it can avoid bitter tasted. Best composition is one to one, and fried the whole onion, not sliced.
2. Added chicken meat to beef bakso (chicken thigh is recommended) to enhanced the tastes, still beef meat (beef thigh recomended as well) is the main ingredient.
3. Tapioca flour is about 15% from all weight of raw meat bakso, for me it was the best composition to get bounced yet soft bakso.
4. Added white egg for 500gr raw meat bakso
5. Crushed ice cubes and mixed in to the food processor while processing the raw meat for about  5-10 minutes to get a better texture.
6.Boiled bakso with some raw gralics, and salt .

This is my sharing.. Hope it can help...

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