Wednesday 6 November 2013

Spagheti bolognaise kang "Jamie Oliver"

Spaghetty is very memorable for me...
I had this feast when i step my foot for the first time in to my apartemen at Tokyo, few years ago...
It was rainy day in the spring...
My husband cooks tuna spaghetty for me, is was so yummy and full of love :D

we love crafting any kind of spaghetty such as; Spaghetty tuna, Aglio, mentaiko spaghetty and spaghetty bolognaise. We had pasta for breakfast every weekend...
(in the morning, at home, spending time with family with a homemade breakfast was so delightfull feeling)*
but Thats why, sometime our friend call our family "the lazy family", "not morning family", "lonely lover family" etc... makes me sad ... really...
whatever they can call us... they don't know us that much... thats all..

anyway, still, we love our breakfast daily routine ofcourse :D

I've got his recipe from Jamie Oliver Book
"Happy Day with The Naked Chef"... by Hyperion

So,  i just want to tell you the ingredients what i had for crafting this recipe:
(i'm so sorry couldn't informed the whole recipe)

Olive Oil, smoked beef, Dry Rosemary (Original is fresh rosemary), Onion, Garlic,  ground/minced beef, Dried oregano, Tomatoes puree (me - fresh one) , Tomatoes sauce, salt, ground black pepper and grated cheddar cheese

Steak daging ala iga bakar (Mbak Yanti & Mbak Ita ncc)

At Ied Hajj
we decided to celebrated it at Johore..
As a mother i wanted Ied Hajj this year to be special
so we decided to have steak than santan feast

so at night we have this delicious beef steak
I've got this recipe from ncc maillist
oiriginally this one is for beef rib
but i have a health issue :D , than  i've decided to go on with terderloin meat...
and alhamdulillah we're not dissapointed at all :)

Mbak Ita's Recipe is for marinated sauce, and Mbak Yanti's Recipe is for the sauce, or sometime i only make one of them, but im gonna write both recipe here..

Thank You for sharing this recipe Mbak Yanti and Mbak Ita..
Here i'm copy paste from their posting...

Ribs/Iga Panggang Mbak Ita Kustini
source: maillist ncc
modified by Asty Puteri

Bahan :
500 gr ribs/iga - me, 500gr terderloin meat
3 siung bawang putih, haluskan/cacah halus
2 sdm teriyaki marinade, me - shoyu + grated garlic +grated ginger mixed well
2 sdm kecap asin, me - shoyu (kikkoman)
1 sdm kecap manis
1 sdm saus tomat
1 sdm saus sambal (optional), me - not included
1/4 sdt minyak wijen
1 sdm saus tiram
1/4 sdt lada hitam bubuk
oregano/mixed herbs secukupnya (optional)
1 sdt mentega

Pelengkap :
French Fries/Mashed potato
Sayur kukus

Cara membuat :
1. Campur semua bumbu kecuali mentega dalam sebuah wadah. Masukkan
iga, campur dengan bumbu. Tutup wadah. Biarkan semalam dalam kulkas.
2. Siapkan baki panggang yang sudah dialasi aluminium foil dan oleskan
sedikit mentega. Letakkan iga yang sudah diresapi bumbu dalam baki.
Panggang dengan api sedang selama kurang lebih setengah jam/sampai matang.
3. Sajikan dengan pelengkap

IGA GORENG ala Yanti
source: maillist ncc 

Bahan :
1 kg iga, dipresto sampai empuk kurleb 30 menit lalu ditiriskan sampai kering (jadi nggak perlu iga yang Prime) , me - tenderloin meat

Bahan perendam :
Saus tomat
Saus sambel
Kecap manis
Minyak wijen

Cara :
Aduk semua bahan perendam sampai rata.  Biasanya aku pake patokan mulainya semua bahan masing-masing 2 sendok makan, kecuali minyak wijen cuma 1 sendok makan.  Saus sambel tergantung kadar kepedasan yang dimauin.  Berhubung sering buat anak-anak, pakenya 1 sendok teh aja.  Terus dicicipin deh dan ditambahkan masing-masing bahan sampe komposisinya berasa enak sesuai selera (ini ilmu sesat nggak ya?  Tapi asli lho, campuran ini berasa enak dikemut-kemut di ujung jari :-D )
Masukkan iga dan balur merata.  Simpan di lemari es di kontainer tertutup minimum 4 jam.  Bagusnya semalaman
Menjelang disajikan, goreng sekedarnya dalam minyak banyak, jangan terlalu kering

me - u can use it for sauce

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Martabak ala Ibu Fien

i missed writing my blog...
today i'm going to posting my moms recipe ...
We always had this snack Every Ied Fitri, and always hit :)

The skin recipe is different from martabak recipe before

So.. check it out
(because of my dishwash calling me).. i'm so in the rush hehehe

Martabak Telor ala Ibu Fien
Recipe: Ibu Fien

100 gr all purpose flour
1 cup water (250 ml)
4 tbs vegetable oil
pinch of salt taste

* just like crafting risoles skin, mixed well al ingredients

Martabak Filling:
Minced beef, miched garlic , shallot thin slices, miced Onion, "Bamboe" paste taste gulai sapi (you can substituted it with garam masala + oyster sauce), thin slices spring onion  and eggs
salt and pepper

*Sauted the garlic and shallot until fragrance, added mince beef + spices until cooked, salt and pepper

 How to make:
  1. Mixed three table spoon of filling with the onion, spring onion and 1 egg. Our family love the thicker filling than watery one... But if you like watery, you can added more egg, but not too much i suggested
  2. spread the skin paste in to the big wok (just like make the crepes or risoles skin, but big one)
  3. wait until little dry, spread well the filling on top of it
  4. when the skin is ready, fold it up just like folding the envelope (square one)
  5. add a little vegetable oil around envelope and flip flop the martabak...
  6. fried it until cooked..

next time i will added the process image.. im so sorry for the limited information
but trust me, this way of cooking martabak is more simple and fast to served...
that why, this recipe become my family favourite also..

Love you so much Mom..
My Father always said, just look your mother, so you can know the reason why he love her so much :)
she's not only a good mom but a good wife also

Pastel Ayam Sayur

I love Pastel Ayam...
One day in Malaka, my husband had his meeting lunch box home, one of them is pastel..
that time, i realized that most of malaysia pastel is curry spices... interisting and yummy also .. :D

so, today i'm going to introduced our classic pastel (i mean, the original pastel version that i used had  when i'm in Indonesia)

well, because my limited vocabulary in english, i'm sorry, today i'm going to posted in Indonesian..
i hope soon your gonna get the translation of it


I'm new in cooking and baking world, other than my mom's, im learning also from my very best friend mr google blog... hehehe
Alhamdulillah, i found Mbak Ita Recipe at

The skin recipe is very fit in our family taste...
you can try...
i never failed of this recipe..

I'm Copy paste  this recipe from her blog, so when i had troubled with internet connection, i can craft this pastel still..
This recipe is perfect already, i wouldn't make any modified of it at all

Resep: Ita-DapurGriyaKhayangan

Bahan Kulit :
250 gram tepung terigu
1/2 sdt garam
1/2 sdt gula pasir
50 gram margarin lelehkan
30 ml minyak goreng, panaskan
75 ml air putih (5 sdm)

Bahan Isi :
5 siung bawang putih haluskan
7 butir bawang merah haluskan
150 gram daging dada ayam rebus potong dadu kecil
50 gr udang cincang
100 gram kentang potong kecil, rebus
100 gram wortel potong kecil, rebus
50 gram buncis muda potong kecil2, rebus
1 sdt garam
2 sdm gula pasir
1 sdt merica halus
1 sdt pala halus
1 batang daun bawang diiris halus
1 batang daun seledri diiris halus
4 butir telur rebus dipotong beberapa bagian
2 sdm minyak goreng untuk menumis

Cara Membuat :
 Isi : Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang merah dan bawang putih sampai harum. Masukkan daging ayam, udang cincang, aduk-aduk. Masukkan wortel, kentang, buncis, aduk rata. Taburkan garam, gula, lada bubuk, pala bubuk, aduk sampai meresap. Tambahkan daun bawang dan daun seledri, aduk rata kembali. Angkat dan sisihkan

Kulit : Tuangkan campuran minyak goreng dan margarin ke dalam tepung terigu bersama garam dan gula pasir. Aduk adonan kulit hingga tercampur rata, masukkan air putih. Aduk adonan dan uleni hingga kalis. Diamkan sebentar kira-kira 15 menit.

Gunakan gilingan mie untuk menipiskan kulit dengan ketebalan no 5, kemudian cetak dengan diameter 10cm. Atau jika tidak punya alat giling mie, bisa digiling dengan menggunakan gilingan dari kayu.

Ambil selembar kulit, taruh ditengahnya tumisan isi dan sepotong telur rebus, lipat jadi setengah lingkaran pilin-pilin hingga selesai.

Panaskan minyak goreng dengan api sedang, masukkan pastel. Disiram-siram dengan minyak, goreng sampai matang kuning keemasan. Angkat dan tiriskan.

Hidangkan dengan saos sambal atau cabe rawit.

Dan ini Pesan2 dr mbak Ita:
- Perlu diingatkan pada saat membuat adonan kulit pastel, sebelumnya panaskan dulu minyak goreng bersama margarin hingga margarin meleleh. Dalam keadaan masih panas tuangkan ke dalam tepung terigu, aduk dengan sendok kayu.
- Ada kalanya orang lain lebih suka kulit pastelnya berkesan berintik, ada gelembung-gelembungnya  dan itu memang ada tips/triknya, yaitu: panaskan minyak goreng dengan api cukup besar, masukkan pastel, lalu matikan api...setelah kulit pastel keluar gelembung-gelembungnya, kembali nyalakan api, tetapi api sedang saja, dan goreng pastel hingga kuning kecoklatan.